INRICH Member Profile Card

Patrycja Piotrowska

Patrycja Piotrowska

ccNeuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA)

Dr Piotrowska received her BSc (Hons) in Psychology & Criminology from the University of Bedfordshire (UK) in 2011, and completed her PhD in Psychology at the University of Sheffield (UK) in 2015. She is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA).

The particular focus of her doctoral research was on social gradients in antisocial behaviour and proximal factors that may explain the relationship between income and antisocial behaviour such as unhealthy family functioning or stressful life events. She then worked as a researcher and evidence analyst for Samaritans (a UK-based charity supporting people in emotional distress) until joining the Like Father Like Son project team as a postdoctoral research associate. She is also a co-investigator on a Nuffield Foundation Grant awarded to Prof. Richard Rowe (University of Sheffield) that focuses on identifying the mechanisms linking socioeconomic status and child antisocial behaviour.

Type of member: Provisional Member

Telephone: (+61) 0423 740 944

Email Address:

Mailing Address: Room 304, A19, Griffith Taylor, The University of Sydney, NSW 2006 Australia

Collaborative Projects

I continue to collaborate with Barbara Maughan and most of my work in the area of inequalities has been conducted in collaboration with her (publication in the BJP, and current Nuffield project grant).

Current research interests
I specialise in developmental psychopathology research, and my research interests span a wide range of disciplines, topics, populations and research methods. Furthermore, I specialise in child and adolescent mental health research with the particular focus on the role of social inequalities and broadly understood family environment (including father involvement and biological factors), and mechanisms that can explain such associations.

I am particularly interested in investigating proximal and distal factors that influence a range of mental health problems in children and adolescents (behavioural problems in particular), and applying advanced statistical techniques. I am highly experienced in various research approaches to social inequalities, with practical experience in managing complex datasets.

Selected publications

Piotrowska, P.J., Stride, C.B., Maughan, B., Goodman, R., & Rowe, R. (2019). Mechanisms underlying social gradients in child and adolescent antisocial behaviour. SSM - Population Health, 7, 100353. doi:10.1016/j.ssmph.2019.100353

Tully, L.A., Collins, D.A.J., Piotrowska, P.J., Mairet, K.S., Hawes, D., Moul, C. Lenroot, R., Frick, P.J., Anderson, V., Kimonis, E., & Dadds, M.R. (2017). Examining practitioner competencies, organisational support and barriers to engaging fathers in parenting interventions. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 49(1), 109-122. doi:10.1007/s10578-017-0733-0

Tully, L.A., Piotrowska, P.J., Collins, D.A.J., Mairet, K.S., Black, N., Lenroot, R., Kimonis, E., Hawes, D., Moul, C., Frick, P. J., Anderson, V., & Dadds, M. R. (2017). Optimising child outcomes from parenting interventions: fathers’ experiences, preferences and barriers to participation. BMC Public Health 17(1):550. doi: 10.1186/s12889-017-4426-1.

Piotrowska, P.J., Tully, L.A., Lenroot, R., Kimonis, E., Hawes, D., Moul, C., Frick, P. J., Anderson, V., & Dadds, M. R. (2016). Mothers, fathers, and parental systems - a conceptual model of parental engagement in programs for child mental health: Connect, Attend, Participate, Enact (CAPE). Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review. DOI:10.1007/s10567-016-0219-9.

Piotrowska, P.J., Stride, C.B., Croft, S.E., & Rowe, R. (2015). Socioeconomic status and antisocial behaviour among children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 35, 47-55. (Impact Factor: 8.15; JCR in Clinical Psychology 2/252)

Piotrowska, P.J., Stride, C.B., Maughan, B., Goodman, R., McCaw, L. & Rowe, R. (2015). Income gradients within child and adolescent antisocial behaviours. British Journal of Psychiatry. (Impact Factor: 7.06; JCR in Psychiatry 7/124)

profile updated: 04/12/2019