INRICH Member Profile Card

Patricia Lucas

Patricia Lucas

ccUniversity of Bristol

Patricia Lucas (UK) is particularly interested in the ‘what works’ agenda in population interventions for child health and, in particular, child inequalities. Her expertise is in evidence syntheses and the combination of qualitative and quantitative methods to better understand impact. She has worked produce reviews of evidence for impact in diverse areas to including early growth, welfare reform, food and nutrition interventions and challenging and anti-social behaviour.

Type of member: Regular

Telephone: 0117 3310866

Email Address:

Mailing Address: School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol, 8 Priory Rd, Bristol BS6 1TZ

Collaborative Projects

Patricia has current projects considering the potential for improving child health in the developing world through improved drinking water quality monitoring with Dave Gordon (Aquatest), and with Hein Raat and Johan Machenabach bringing together mother-child birth cohorts across Europe with a view to informing policy particularly considering health inequalities (CHICOS). She has previously worked with Catherine , Helen Roberts and Liz Waters on systematic reviews in health.

Current research interests
Migration and child health / Inequality and perinatal health / School as a mediator of socio-economic inequalities in child health / Health of adoptees and foster children

Selected publications

Lucas, P. J., Jessiman, T., & Cameron, A. (2015). Healthy Start: The Use of Welfare Food Vouchers by Low-Income Parents in England. Social Policy and Society, 14(03), 457-469. doi:10.1017/s1474746415000020

Lucas, P., McIntosh, K., Shiell, A., Petticrew, M., & Roberts, H. (2008). Financial benefits for child health and well-being in low income or socially disadvantaged families in developed world countries. Cochrane Database for Systematic Reviews. doi:10.4073/csr.2008.9