INRICH Member Profile Card

Laura Howe

ccUniversity of Bristol

Statistical epidemiologist with expertise in modelling repeated measures data.

Type of member: Regular

Telephone: 00 441173310134

Email Address:

Mailing Address: Oakfield House, Oakfield Grove, Bristol, BS8 2BN

Current research interests
1) Emergence and changes in inequalities over childhood and adolescence;
2) Inequalities in obesity and cardiometabolic health;
3) Mediators and mechanisms driving inequalities, including epigenetics and other biological processes.

Research priorities
Pathways and mechanisms: Cumulative and additive social risk exposures (e.g. transient v. persistent poverty). Social into the biological and epigenetic. | Methodological issues: Methods for examining change over time including longitudinal effects studies. Need to define poverty. Need to study social gradients as well as poverty.

Selected publications

Howe, L. D., Lawlor, D. A., & Propper, C. (2013). Trajectories of socioeconomic inequalities in health, behaviours and academic achievement across childhood and adolescence. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 67(4), 358-364. doi:10.1136/jech-2012-201892

Loss to follow-up in cohort studies: bias in estimates of socioeconomic inequalities.