16th INRICH Workshop in Liverpool is coming together
Click here for all the details on the upcoming 16th Annual INRICH Workshop in Liverpool, United Kingdom, and to register.
IMPORTANT! For INRICH Correspondence use
With the end of Centre Léa-Roback our email with them is no longer working. Please address all correspondence to
15th Workshop Highlights Document
Samuel Montiege and Lise Gauvin have created a comprehensive 38 page document summarizing the highlights from the 15th Annual INRICH Workshop. It includes an introduction which gives an overview of the current state of child poverty in Québec. It also offers a concise synthesis of the Workshop proceedings and recommendations. The bulk of the document provides a summary of the key point that came out of each Workshop session and panel. The document is available in both French and English: 15th Annual INRICH Workshop Highlights | Faits saillants du 15e atelier annuel d’INRICH.
15th Workshop Poster Winners
INRICH is happy to announce this year’s winners of 200$ each for their posters are Emmanuelle Arpin (postdoctoral researcher in Health Services Research at McGill University’s Department of Equity, Ethics and Policy (DEEP) at the School of Population and Global Health), Ophélie Collet (Doctorat en santé publique, Université de Montréal, École de Santé Publique) and Ashleigh Shipton (PhD Candidate with Gen-V at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and the University of Melbourne Department of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences).
15th Workshop presenations online
The 15th INRICH Workshop held May 27 – 28, 2024 in Montréal was a resounding success. The theme was “Reducing child poverty to improve health and development: what works?” Presentations can be found here.
The International Network for Reseach on Inequalities in Child Health (INRICH), formed in 2008, arose out of a research collaboration between Professors Louise Séguin (Université de Montréal, Québec, Canada) and Nick Spencer (University of Warwick, UK). Since then, leading researchers in the area of child health inequalities and equity from Australia, Brazil, Chile, China, Canada, Europe, South Africa, South America and the United States have joined the network.
At our inaugural workshop in Montreal in 2008, we set ourselves specific objectives. Since then we have expanded our membership of active researchers in the field to 172 and we have held annual workshops. Students and post-doctoral fellows have presented and actively contributed to the workshops and to INRICH research collaborations. Moreover INRICH facilitates student exchanges between different members.
The INRICH network has already held successful high-level workshops, in Montreal, Canada (November 2008), Coventry, UK (November 2009), Recife, Brazil (November, 2010), Rotterdam, Netherlands (June 2012), Stanford, USA (June 2013), Stockholm (June 2014), Montreal, Canada (2015), Barcelona, Spain (2016) and Cornell, USA (2017), Bradford, UK (2018), Toronto, Canada (2019), Rotterdam, Netherlands (June 2021), Los Angeles, USA (2022), Paris, France (2023), Montréal, Canada (2024), Liverpook, UK (2025).
Since the beginnings of the network, our members have established many collaborative research projects and have published in collaboration a great number of scientific papers in international peer-reviewed journals, among other realizations. We intend to establish a systematic programme of work with policy makers and our CIHR-funded project incorporates work with policy makers and knowledge users.