INRICH Member Profile Card

Baltica Cabieses

Baltica Cabieses

ccUniversidad del Desarrollo

Nurse-Midwife, social epidemiologist.
MSc in Epidemiology at PUC Chile, PhD in Health Sciences (social epidemiology) at UoYork UK. Senior Lecturer in Social Epidemiology at the Faculty of Medicine at Universidad del Dessarrollo in Chile, where she directs the Social Studies in Health Research Programme. Also a visiting scholar at Dept. Health Sciences UoYork and associate epidemioogist at the BIRH, both in the UK. Research topics: social inequalities in health, international migration and health, global public health and equity.

Type of member: Regular

INRICH Research Exchange Discussions

  • How to collect reliable data on vulnerable migrant children? CLOSED

Telephone: +56 99 65946085

Email Address:

Website Address:

Mailing Address: Avenida Las Condes 12.461 Edificio Plaza Asís, piso 2, oficina 205, Lo Barnechea, Santiago, CHILE

Collaborative Projects

A systematic review on access and use of healthcare services among international migrant children, with Noortje Uphoff
A study on the index of multidimensional poverty and its association with self-reported health status among adults in Chile, with Kate Pickett

Current research interests
- Social inequalities in health, including measures of absolute and relative poverty
- International migration and health, including the health of migrant children
- Global public health and equity

Research priorities
Pathways and mechanisms: Cumulative and additive social risk exposures (e.g. transient v. persistent poverty). Stress and allostatic load. Intergenerational influences. | Methodological issues: Need to study social gradients as well as poverty. Multi-level studies - Society, Family & Individual. Regional studies (within countries). Which indicators? for example, perception of health vs. objective measures of health (these may be more reliable in studying mechanisms). Root cause analysis to inform policy change. | Other:

Impacting on public policies
Working with grassroot organizations
Spatial dimension of inequality

Selected publications

Vasquez A, Cabieses B, Tunstall H. (2016). Where Are Socioeconomically Deprived Immigrants Located in Chile? A Spatial Analysis of Census Data Using an Index of Multiple Deprivation from the Last Three Decades (1992-2012). PLoS One. 12;11(1):e0146047. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0146047.

Cabieses B, Cookson R, Espinoza M, Santorelli G, Delgado I. (2015). Did Socioeconomic Inequality in Self-Reported Health in Chile Fall after the Equity-Based Healthcare Reform of 2005? A Concentration Index Decomposition Analysis. PLoS One. (9):e0138227. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0138227

Cabieses B, Bird P. (2014) Glossary of access to health care and related concepts for low- and middle-income countries (LMICs): a critical review of international literature. Int J Health Serv. 44(4):845-61. Review.

Cabieses B, Uphoff E, Pinart M, Antó JM, Wright J. (2014) A systematic review on the development of asthma and allergic diseases in relation to international immigration: the leading role of the environment confirmed. PLoS One. 20;9(8):e105347. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0105347.

Cabieses, B., Tunstall, H., & Pickett, K. (2013). Testing the Latino paradox in Latin America: A population-based study of Intra-regional immigrants in Chile. Revista médica de Chile, 141(10), 1255-1265. doi:10.4067/s0034-98872013001000004

Cabieses, B., & Tunstall, H. (2012). Immigrant health workers in Chile: is there a Latin American "brain drain"? Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública, 32(2), 161-167. doi:10.1590/s1020-49892012000800012

Cabieses, B., Pickett, K., & Tunstall, H. (2012). Comparing Sociodemographic Factors Associated with Disability Between Immigrants and the Chilean-Born: Are There Different Stories to Tell? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 9(12), 4403-4432. doi:10.3390/ijerph9124403

profile updated: 02/10/2020