INRICH Member Profile Card

Ingrid Schoon
ccInstitute of Education University of London
I am currently involved in the ESRC funded Priority Network on Gender Inequality and Production (GeNet)) and the ESRC Centre for the Study of Learning and Life Chances in the Knowledge Economies (Llakes). I am the Director of an International Post-Doctoral Fellowship Programme on Productive Youth Development, funded by the Jacobs Foundation, involving comparative research and collaboration with the University of Michigan, the Max Plank Institute for Human Development in Berlin, the University of Jena, the University of Stockholm, and the Helsinki University Collegium for Advanced Studies. I am also a member of the International Collaborative for the Analysis of Pathways from Childhood to Adulthood (CAPCA) organised by the University of Michigan.
Type of member: Regular
Telephone: 020 7612 62238
Email Address:
Mailing Address: 55-59 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0AL
Collaborative Projects
Evans, G. W., Ricciuti, H. N., Hope, S., Schoon, I., Bradley, R. H., Corwyn, R. F., et al. (2009). Crowding and cognitive development. The mediating role of maternal responsiveness among 36-month-old children. Environment and Behaviour,
Current research interests
My research interest lies with the study of human development in context, in particular the study of risk and resilience, the realization of individual potential in a changing socio-historical context, social equalities in attainment, health and well-being, and the intergenerational transmission of (dis)advantage.
Research priorities
Pathways and mechanisms: Cumulative and additive social risk exposures (e.g. transient v. persistent poverty). Intergenerational influences. | Methodological issues: Methods for examining change over time including longitudinal effects studies. Need to define poverty. Need to study social gradients as well as poverty. Multi-level studies - Society, Family & Individual.
Selected publications
Schoon, I., & Bartely, M. (2008). Growing up in poverty : the role of human capability and resilience. . The Psychologist, 21, 24-27.
Schoon, I. (2007). Adaptations to changing times: Agency in context. International Journal of Psychology, 42(2), 94-101. doi:10.1080/00207590600991252