INRICH Member Profile Card

Jody Heymann


Jody Heymann is the Founding Director of the Institute for Health and Social Policy, the WORLD Global Data Centre, and the Project on Global Working Families. An internationally renowned researcher on health and social policy, Dr. Heymann holds a Canada Research Chair in Global Health and Social Policy. She has authored and edited over 150 publications. Deeply committed to translating research into policies and programs that will improve individual and population health, Dr. Heymann has worked with leaders in North American, European, African, and Latin American governments as well as a wide range of intergovernmental organizations including the World Health Organization, the International Labor Organization, UNICEF, and UNESCO. Central to her efforts are bridging the gap between research and policymakers, and Dr. Heymann's research has been presented to heads of state and senior policymakers around the world. She has worked closely on the development of legislation with the US Congress as well as with UN agencies on the implications of her team's results for global policy.

Type of member: Regular

Telephone: 310.825.6381

Email Address:

Mailing Address: UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, Dean's Office 650 Charles E. Young Dr. S., 16-035 Center for Health Sciences, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1772

Current research interests
Examining how social policies and programs affect population health, welfare, and economic outcomes. Particular attention will be paid to the impact on the worst off.

Research priorities
Pathways and mechanisms: Cumulative and additive social risk exposures (e.g. transient v. persistent poverty). Intergenerational influences. | Methodological issues: Need to study social gradients as well as poverty. Multi-level studies - Society, Family & Individual. Root cause analysis to inform policy change. | Other:

Health Policy, Social Policy, Poverty Policy, Children, Health Outcomes, Social Determinants, Working Conditions.

Selected publications

Heymann, J., & Barrera, M. (2010). Profit at the bottom of the ladder: creating value by investing in your workforce. Boston (MA): Harvard Business Press, 288 pages.

Heymann, S. J., & Earle, A. (2009). Raising the Global Floor: Dismantling The Myth That We Can't Afford Good Working Conditions For Everyone. Stanford University Press.