INRICH Member Profile Card

Arzu Arat

Arzu Arat

Department of Public Health Sciences, CHESS (Centre for Health Studies), Stockholm University

Type of member: Regular (since 2015)

Telephone: 08-674 79 88

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Mailing Address: Institutionen för folkhälsovetenskap 106 91 Stockholm

Current research interests
For her Master’s degree at CHESS, Arzu Arat wrote a comparative case study on common social determinants of infant mortality decline in two different contexts; Stockholm, Sweden 1878-1925 and Salvador, Brazil 1980-2010.

Selected publications

Arat, A., Burström, B., Östberg, V., & Hjern, A. (2019). Social inequities in vaccination coverage among infants and pre-school children in Europe and Australia – a systematic review. BMC Public Health, 19(1). doi:10.1186/s12889-019-6597-4

Ostberg, V., Burstorm, B., Hjern, A., & Arat, A. (2017). ADHD medication in offspring of immigrants; Does the income level of the country of origin matter? European Journal of Public Health, 27(Suppl_3). doi:10.1093/eurpub/ckx189.204

Ostberg, V., Burstorm, B., Hjern, A., & Arat, A. (2017). ADHD medication in offspring of immigrants; Does the income level of the country of origin matter? European Journal of Public Health, 27(Suppl_3). doi:10.1093/eurpub/ckx189.204

profile updated: 04/12/2019